Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another Start

After several years of exploring, looking for a new place to live, I am moving in to a home that has a studio room for the large loom, much yarn and is already painted in my favorite color.  I can't wait to get started!

Rugs have been on my mind.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Art Walk

Tonight I participated in First Friday Art Walk on Santa Fe.  I felt privileged to be invited. This is the first time I've set up my hand woven textiles for display in three years.  Yes, this afternoon I was still putting finishing touches to a piece woven a few years ago.  Some of us need deadlines!!

My work was well received by the folks at the Taoist Tai Chi Center where I displayed, as well as art folks coming in off the street. I thank you all.  

I need to do this more often.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Opportunity Ahead

Looks like it's been a couple of years since I've been here.  The towels are still on the loom.  I misjudged how many yards of warp I put on 4 years ago.  Must have been 9 as I've woven off the two towels and have enough for a long runner and another towel.

I'm living in a new temporary place and am determined to grab onto this opportunity to complete this warp and add to my finished stash.  You don't know how tempting it has been to just cut it off and get on with something new.  My Scottish grandmother would call it thrift.  Others may call it stubborn.

Life's good.